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Draft Mode - Tools

Draft Mode: Tools[edit | edit source]

Tools Overview[edit | edit source]

Nature of tools[edit | edit source]

You can use a variaty of tools in Seamly2D to create your own garment patterns. Using different tools will create new points and lines in your drawing.

You can use formulas in your tools to create adaptive drawings. For example you can use individual measurements from SeamlyMe. Changing values in your formulas will automatically resize your pattern. Using a multisize measurement file, you can choose your actual height and size in the bottom right corner of the screen. Your pattern will resize accordingly.
Import note:

Points and lines are created in a strictly hirachical order. You can only use a point, in the formula for your tools, which was created before.

Help sentence[edit | edit source]

As soon as you select a tool, there is a little help sentence that pops up in the bottom left corner of the screen. When in doubt, see what this tells you to do.

Tools[edit | edit source]

Draft Mode tools are grouped according to the object they create or use.