
From Seamly
Revision as of 18:12, 15 May 2017 by Slspencer (talk | contribs)


Operations Tools

This group of tools is for complex operations on points or groups of points.

Create New Group

Rotate Objects

Flipping Objects by Line

Flipping Objects by Axis

ToolTip: Flipping of Objects by axis

Click to view video tutorial

  • Select the points to be mirrored, hold down <CTRL> to choose multiple points. Press <Enter> when finished selecting points.
  • Select a point on the vertical or horizontal axis. The new points will be "mirrored" to the opposite side of this axis.
  • A dialog box will appear, prompting for Axis point, type of axis (Vertical or Horizontal), and the suffix to add to the point's name. Click <OK>.

Move Objects