UserManual:Creating Layouts

From Seamly
Revision as of 10:59, 8 April 2017 by Dismine (talk | contribs)

Before you will be able to export or print pattern you should create a layout. Valentina supports the automatic creation of layouts. The most common mistake users do is to think that a layout creation has something to do with printing. No, printing (and export) is separate steps that proceed after you create a layout.

Valentina's Layout generator was not designed to create a fabric layout. It doesn't obey grainline. Right now you can use it only for preparing workpieces for export or printing.

To create a layout you must pass at least one workpiece to Layout generator. If you have at least one workpiece, but still can't start creating because Valentina doesn't see any please check if at least one is selected in section Group. This section control which workpieces will be passed to Layout generator the next time. To begin creating switch to the Layout mode. If there is no previously rendered layout then Valentina will automatically show you a dialog with options.

Layout options

Paper format

This is a dropdown box from which you can choose the format of the paper size used by the Layout generator. As was mentioned previously this has nothing to do with your printer or plotter capabilities. The Layout generator will fail to create a layout if at least one workpiece can't be arranged.

The common recommendation in this case is to select a paper size big enough to arrange the biggest workpiece in pattern.

Some words about predefined options you can find in the dropdown list. Valentina exports data with resolution 96 dpi. You should take into account this value if want to export a pattern image and continue work with it. If you cannot find needed size from the list of predefined switch to Custom and edit size manually. Note. First time you will switch to Custom size Valentina will not change previous size values and you will not see difference from previous option. Fields Width and Height help you edit your custom size. Also you can choose between portrait or landscape sizes.

When you want print your layout latter you should also take care of printer margins.

Valentina will show you all printers it can find on you PC and retrieve minimal margin fields required by selected printer. The more space you will get for printer margins the less will be left for the Layout generator to find position for workpieces.

The margin fields have the same units as the paper size have.

Check option Ignore fields if don't want take printer margins into account.

Layout options

Some options need more detailed explanation.

  • Rotate workpiece. Help avoid situations with workpieces that have convex shape. Those shapes can't be handled by basic algorithm. Rotation value sets angle value for single workpiece rotation around vertex point. For example: 180 means two rotations by 180 degree each. Numbers of rotations can be calculated from the expression 360/angle_value. Warning. Increasing rotation number will increase time for searching best position for workpiece.
  • Layout width. Width of space around workpiece, ie, layout allowance. To calculate width between two workpieces multiply current value by 2.
  • Shift length. Shift length value helps create additional points on workpieces edge. If length of edge is less than shift program then the left edge is untouched. These additional points Valentina uses for moving workpiece along contour edge. The more points on an edge the more chance to find best position. Warning. Sub-optimal length (too small) will increase time for searching best position for workpiece.

All calculation program do in pixels.

  1. Create or open file that already have workpieces.
  2. Click on button Create Layout  or select File->Export pattern (layout).
  3. Click on button  and set creation options.
  4. Click OK for start generation.
  5. Wait until generation finished.