User talk:Dismine

From Seamly
Revision as of 07:35, 9 May 2017 by Kmf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Susan had requested that I put information into the wiki. I understand that what I put in was not formatted perfectly but I would really like to get it back so that I do not...")
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Susan had requested that I put information into the wiki. I understand that what I put in was not formatted perfectly but I would really like to get it back so that I do not have to remember everything that I wrote. I spent nearly 2 hours tonight figuring out how to edit a wiki and I have been communicating with Grace who specifically gave me permission to edit her page. So for these reasons I am confused about why you took my content down. I discovered this a moment ago when I went back to fix my formatting errors and add more content. The remaining content that I want to add is something I have already to provided to Susan and which she had already approved. The content that you took down was a rough draft at how to tie that in to what was already there.

Please let me know why you removed my content, whether you can salvage a copy of what I entered tonight, and when it is safe for me to resume adding content.

thank you