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Draft Mode - Tools | Curve

Curve tools Edit

Some lines need to curve, and in this section, we deal only with curves of various types. To get your curve right, you can click on the line and drag it around to get close to what you require and there are 'handles' that you can click and drag around until you get the right shape that you're looking for, or you can use exact degrees.

Important note:

The direction of the curves iss shown by an arrow on the curved line. This is important when you create a new pattern piece.

Curve - Interactive (Shortcut Alt+C) Edit

Create a curve between two nodes
Click on the first and then second node. You may now drag the handles around to make the curve more pleasing or use length and angle formulas to get a more precise curve
  • Name: Name of the new curve
  • First point: Starting point of curve
  • Second point: Endpoint of curve
  • First point handle - Length: You can define a fixed length or use a formula for adaptive / calculated values
  • First point handle - Angle: You can define a fixed angle or use formulas for adaptive / calculated values
  • Second point handle - Length You can define a fixed length or use formulas for adaptive / calculated values
  • Second point handle - Angle: You can define a fixed angle or use formulas for adaptive / calculated values
  • Attributes: Specify the color, linetype and lineweight of the new node

Spline - Interactive (Shortcut Alt+S) Edit

Create a curve that passes through multiple nodes
Click on each node in turn and press enter when done. You may now drag the handles around to make the curve more pleasing or use direction and angle formulas to get more precise curve. Hit Enter to finish selecting new points
  • Name: Name of the new spline
  • Point: Selected point of pathlist
  • Path: List of selected points
  • First control point - Lenght: You can define a fixed lenght or use formulas for adaptive / calculated values
  • First control point - Angle: You can define a fixed angle or use formulas for adaptive / calculated values
  • Second control point - Lenght: You can define a fixed lenght or use formulas for adaptive / calculated values
  • Second control point - Angle: You can define a fixed angle or use formulas for adaptive / calculated values
  • Attributes: Specify the color, linetype and lineweight of the new node

Curve - Fixed (Shortcut Alt+Shift+C) Edit

Create a curve between two nodes which uses other nodes to anchor the control handles
Click on the first node, then the first control handle node, then on the second control handle node and then on the end node. The curve is calculated and can't be modified by individual values.
  • Name: Name of the new curve
  • First point: Starting point of curve
  • Second point: First control handle node
  • Third point: Second control handle node
  • Fourth point: End point of curve
  • Attributes: Specify the color, linetype and lineweight of the new node

Spline - Fixed (Shortcut Alt+Shift+S) Edit

Create a curved path that passes through multiple nodes and uses other nodes to anchor the control handles
Click on the first node, then the first control handle node, then on the second control handle node and then on the next pass-through node. Continue in this fashion to the last node. Press enter to complete the curve. The curve is calculated and can't be modified by individual values.
Important note:You need to select a group of 3 points after the first 4 point to continue the spline, where the first point of the three will deterine the length of the handle.
  • Name: Name of the new curve
  • Point: Selected point of path list
  • Path: Selected points
  • Attributes: Specify the color, linetype and lineweight of the new node

Point - On Curve (Shortcut O, C) Edit

Create a new node on a curve
Click on the curve and enter the distance from the first node where you’d like to place a node
  • Name: Name of the new node
  • Curve: Selected curve
  • Length: You can define a fixed length or use a formula for adaptive / calculated values

Point - On Spline (Shortcut O, S) Edit

Create a new node on a spline
Click on the spline and enter the distance from the first node where you’d like to place a node
  • Name: Name of the new node
  • Curve: Selected spline
  • Length: You can define a fixed length or use a formula for adaptive / calculated values

Point- Intersect Curves (Shortcut I, C) Edit

Create new nodes at the intersection of curves
Click on the first curve and then on the second curve. A node will be placed where the two curves intersect. If the curves intersect more than once, you will then be able choose which intersection you would like, i.e. between the highest or lowest or the leftmost or rightmost point of intersection
  • Name: Name of the new node
  • First curve: First selected curve
  • Second curve: Second selected curve
  • Vertical take: Highest point (intersection at the top), Lowest point (intersection at the bottom)
  • Horizontal take: Leftmost point (intersection on the left), Rightmost point (intersection on the right)

Point- Intersect Curve and Axis (Shortcut C, X) Edit

Create a new node along a curve at an angle from an axis node
Select the curve and then the axis node. Enter the angle from the axis node where you’d like to place a node
  • Axis point: Start point of axis. It's the second point you selected
  • Curve: Curve you selected first
  • Name: Name of the new node
  • Angle: You can define a fixed angle or use formulas for adaptive / calculated values
  • Attributes: Specify the color, linetype and lineweight of the new node