UserManual:Tape measurements

From Seamly
Revision as of 15:52, 3 April 2024 by JCDesign (talk | contribs)

SeamlyMe - Individual Measurements

Most people will design patterns and sew for specific people - either customers or family and friends. And, as one can read all over the internet, standard sizes do not fit everyone and always need adjustments. Therefore, Seamly2D has provided the individual measurements system.

To create a new individual measurement file you need to select Individual as type and choose the preferred unit

You can now add new measurements as you wish. You can a known or custom measurement. Below you'll find a list of all the known measurements of SeamlyMe and a list . You can add as many measurements as you need. You can't add values for specific angles.

Don't forget to save your file.

Working with measurements:

  1. To add a measuments click on the red or orange cross (kownb or custom measurement). When added you can modify the measurements and add more details and specific values. When you add a custom measurements you can specify the name (for internal purposes such as formulas), the fullname and a description. Those field are already defined when choosing a known measurement. For know measurements a measurement diagram can be shown. You can toogle the visibility on and off with the Measurement diagram-button
  2. To remove a value, click on the minus-button
  3. To add a formula, click on the -button
  4. To change the orderd of the measurements (important for the formulas), click on the arrow-buttons.

Known measurements:

You can edit the preferences to adapt your standard file paths.

Important note:

Only measurements that were created in the order before the current position can be used in formulas.

Working with formulas:

You can find all the functions and how to use them in the functions section of the Edit Measurement window.

Most common operators are:

  • + For addition
  • - For subtraction
  • * For multiplication
  • / For division
  • ^ For raising a number To an Integer power (e.g. 3^2 = 9)

Example: @Custom_Measurement + 5 [add 5 to the value of the measurement named Custom_Measurement]