
From Seamly
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Keybord shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts[edit | edit source]

Seamly2D provides various keyboard shortcuts to speed up your process of creation pattern.

The list may be extended in the future. A keyboard shortcut might also conflict with a shortcut that a Window manager uses for its own purposes. In that case, Seamly2D shortcuts do not work. On some systems, in applications based on the Qt keyboard, shortcuts may not work, too.

Action Keyboard shortcut Action Keyboard shortcut Action Keyboard shortcut
New file Ctrl+N Line Alt+L History Ctrl+H
Open file Ctrl+O Point - Intersect Lines I,L Calculator Ctrl+Shift+C
Close file Ctrl+W Curve - Interactive Alt+C Decimal Chart Ctrl+Shift+D
Save Ctrl+S Spline - Interactive Alt+S Keyboard Shortcuts K
Save as Ctrl+Shift+S Curve - Fixed Alt+Shift+C Hide Seam Line |
Application Preferences Ctrl+, Spline - Fixed Alt+Shift+S Show Seam Allowance S
Pattern Preferences Ctrl+Shift+, Point - On Curve O,C Show Grainline G
Document Info Ctrl+I Point - On Spline O,S Show Pattern Label [
Quit application / Exit Ctrl+Q Point - Intersect Curves I,C Show Piece Labele ]
Undo Ctrl+Z Point - Intersect Curve and Axis C,X Rename F2
Redo Ctrl+Y Arc - Radius and Angle Alt+A Delete element Del
Draft mode Ctrl+D Arc - Radius and Length Alt+Shift+A
Piece mode Ctrl+P Point - On Arc O,A
Layout mode Ctrl+L Point - Intersect Arc and Axis A,X
Zoom in Ctrl++ Point - Intersect Arcs I,A
Zoom out Ctrl+- Point - Intersect Circles Shift+I,Shift+C
Zoom 1:1 Ctrl+0 Point - Intersect Circle amd Tangent C,T
Zoom to Point Ctrl+Alt+P Point - Intersect Arc and Tangent A,T
Fit All Ctrl+9 Elliptical Arc Alt+E
Previous Ctrl+Left (Arrowkey) Add Objects to Group G
Selected Ctrl+Right (Arrowkey) Rotation R
Zoom to Area Ctrl+A Mirror by Line M,L
Drag/Pan Tool Z,P Mirror by Axis M,A
Show Point/Name Text V,P Move Alt+M
Increase Text Size Ctrl+] True Darts T,D
Decrease Text Size Ctrl+[ Export Draft Blocks E,D
Use Tool Color T Import Image Alt+I
Toggle Wireframe V,W New Pattern Piece N,P
Toggle Curve ControlPoints V,C Anchor Point A,P
Toggle Axis Origin V,A Internal Path I,P
Toggle Seal Allowance V,S Insert Nodes I,N
Toggle Grainlines V,G Edit Properties P
Toggle Labels V,L Toggle Lock Pattern Piece Ctrl+L
New Draft Block Ctrl+Shift+N Include in Layout I
Rename Draft Block F2 Include in Layout I
Lenght and Angle L,A Forbid Flipping F
On Line O,L Raise to top Ctrl+Home
On Perpendicular O,P Lower to bottom Ctrl+End
On Bisector O,B Unite Pieces U
Lenght to Line P,S Export Pieces E,P
Intersect Arc and Line A,L New Print Layout N,L
Intersect Axis and Triangle X,T Export Layout E,L
Intersect XY X,Y Last tool Ctrl+Shift+L
Intersect Line and Perpendicular L,P Open SeamlyMe Ctrl+M
Intersect Line and Axis L,X Show Variables table Ctrl+T
Midpoint on Line Shift+O,Shift+L Export Variables to CSV Ctrl+E

Mouse Shortcuts[edit | edit source]

Action Keyboard shortcut
Zoom In Ctrl+Scroll up
Zoom Out Ctrl+Scroll down
Drag Middle mouse button