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Draw Mode

Draw Mode

The drawings in Seamly2D are formula driven. Each point, each line depends on a point created before. Instead of drawing one drawing with fixed values, you will use your measurment file. So if you change your measurements, the drawing will follow accordingly.

The Draw Mode is designed to allow easy adjustment of a pattern to suit particular wearers. It is therefore entirely formula-based, where the simplest formula is a set figure.

Import note:

The one immutable fact of the application is that any given tool only has access to tools that were previously created. This means that your first point can't reference the last point. But the last point can reference the first one.

A pattern is a collection of pieces, prepared individually. Drawing a pattern starts from a reference point. Construction lines are defined from there, until sewing lines are defined.

Most lines are defined by one or more points, and occasionally angles.

Important note:

These are measured anti-clockwise from 0 degrees = horizontal to the right.

How to start

Before you start a new drawing you first need to create a new drawft block.

You can do so:

  • by clicking the New-button
  • or hit F2 to Rename Draft Block

You need to define a new name and a unit for you draft block

Once your first draft block is created you can change to the different working modes. For now we stick with the draw mode


The screnn is divided in different areas. You can rearrange some palettes and show/hide different toolbar as you wish.

  1. Toolbar
    • All the tools you can use. For further details have a look here: Seamly2D Tools
  2. Property Editor
    • The Property Editor is super handy. You can change all the properties of the selected element, such as the name, a given lenght, a formula, etc.
  3. Group Manager
    • The Group Manager will help to structure your drawing. You can group elements and show/hide them as need. So you can focus on special parts of your drawing. You will need a lot of points, lines, curves for advances pattern, so it's great you can focus one some of them and hide the rest.
  4. Base name
    • You can the select the base name of new point out of a list. Each new point will be numbered automatically, such as A1, A2, A3, ... Different base names will help you identifying the meaning of the points/lines
  5. Current Line Properties
    • You can set the line properties for new lines whcih will be created. Existing lines are not affected by these setting. User the Property Editor to modify existing elements
  6. Drawing Area
    • The main area of Seamly2D. Here will will draw your pattern. You can zoom and pan with you mouse or tools from the toolbar

Creating a Pattern

      1. Pattern Properties
      2. Pattern Measurement File
      3. Pattern Variables
    1. Drafting Patterns in Draw Mode
      1. Overview
      2. Create a Draft piece
        1. Create Objects with Formulas
        2. Group Operations on Objects
          1. Rotation (Slash and Spread)
          2. Mirroring (Symmetry)
          3. Copy and Move
      3. Create a Detail piece
      4. Undoing actions and Deleting objects
      5. Saving Patterns
      6. Sharing Patterns