
From Seamly
Revision as of 17:48, 16 November 2020 by Slspencer (talk | contribs) (Renamed section)

The following is a stub outline supplied on the basis of a beginners notes. Please enhance it.

Draw Mode

Seamly is an open-source software designed for clothing patterns, more specifically - at the moment - slopers, which must be adjusted for both seam allowances and "ease", the amount of extra space needed by a particular fabric.

The Draw Mode is designed to allow easy adjustment of a pattern to suit particular wearers. It is therefore entirely formula-based, where the simplest formula is a set figure.


A pattern is a collection of pieces, prepared individually. Drawing a pattern starts from a reference point. Construction lines are defined from there, until sewing lines are defined. Most lines are defined by one or more points, and occasionally angles. These are measured anti-clockwise from 0 degrees = horizontal to the right. It is generally easiest to sketch in the line approximately first, and then refine it using the parameters box displayed by double-clicking on the appropriate element. Notches, text, grain and other items are added after you have traced the outline of the pattern with the Workpiece tool.


Creating a Pattern