Translations:UserManual:Tape measurements Tutorial/9/en

From Seamly

Getting Started[edit source]

Well, now that we have our tools together, we need to open Tape. Double click on the icon on your desktop, or open Valentina then click on Measurements in the top menu bar, then click Open Tape from the picklist.
Tape opens to a blank screen and the only options are New and Open:

Above these 2 options is the menu - File; Measurements; Window; and Help. Several options are greyed out until you create or open a measurement file.
We are now going to click on 'New' to create our Multisize set and the following requirements screen pops up:

I have already selected 'Standard' for Multisize, my units are centimeters (currently Tape only caters for centimeters or Millimeters for Multisize tables), Bust size is 50 (which corresponds with the Bust Circumference of 100.30cm divided by 2) and Base height of 158 (which corresponds with the bottom end of the standard height of women which seems to be from 5'3" to 5'6").
Once you have entered these values, click on 'OK' and we are set to go.
I always save my table at this point so that I can just click on 'Save' every so often as I work. So... Click on 'File', 'Save as' and the following screen will appear:

As you can see, I have named the file according to which size table I am using so that I don't get confused between other tables that I may have and the 'File Type' has defaulted to .vst. The folder that I am saving this table in has defaulted to Valentina/tables/standard which is the program default which may be changed under 'Preferences' which we will cover elsewhere.

The image above shows the screen after setting up Tape... I like having the measurement diagram on so that I can see that I'm entering the measurements into the right codes. As we go, you will see that a diagram appears where the ? is that shows which portion of the body has been measured with this code.
At the bottom left, you can see the Height, Size and Pattern Unit choice we made when we started this table. I nice way to check your measurements over a range, is to change the Height and Size and check on your complete table (before you narrowed it down to only Base Size and Increment) if the values entered are remaining true over the whole table.

Adding Known Measurement Codes[edit source]

It is easier and faster to know which 'Known Codes' you need, hence my list. Now we will select them and place them in our table and later add values to them.
A 'Known Code' is one that is known by Tape. In other words, it has been created in the database and has an image attached to it. To start, click on 'Add Known' and a popup window opens with a list of codes - see below:

As you can see, the codes are compartmentalised into sections that have an arrow before the heading. If you click this arrow, the list of codes close. In the image below, I have closed all the compartments to get a shorter list to work with:

Each compartment title is listed alphabetically from A to Q and each item in each compartment starts with the compartments reference. So everything under A will have a code starting with A.
Refering to my list, I see that the first few codes start with G so I open the G compartment and select the items from it that I have on my list: