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'''Draft Mode - Formulas'''
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== Formulas ==
Below you'll find some examples and tips how you can use the formulas to create your pattern
=== List of buitlt-in functions ===
* '''abs''' '''⇒''' Absolute value, Usage: <code>'''abs(x)'''</code>
** Returns the absolute value of a number. The absolute value of a number is the number without its sign.
** E.g.: abs(-1) = 1
** E.g.: abs(1) = 1
* '''acos''' '''⇒''' Inverse cosine function working with radians, Usage: '''<code>acos(x)</code>'''
** The arccosine function is the inverse function of the cosine function and calculates the angle for a given cosine. X must be in the [-1..1] range. The result is an angle expressed in radians.
** E.g.: acos(0.1) = 1.47063
* '''acosD''' '''⇒''' Inverse cosine function working with degrees, Usage: '''<code>acosD(x)</code>'''
** For values of X in the interval [-1, 1], acosd(X) returns values in the interval [0, 180]
** E.g.: acosD(-1) = 180
* '''acosh''' '''⇒''' Inverse Hyperbolic cosine function, Usage: '''<code>acosh(x)</code>'''
** Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. The number must be greater than 1.
** E.g.: acosh(2) = 1.31696
* '''asin''' '''⇒''' Inverse sine function working with radians, Usage: '''<code>asin(x)</code>'''
** It returns the inverse sine of a value, given a ratio of a triangle's opposite side over its hypotenuse. The <code>'''asin()'''</code>function is a trigonometric function that returns the inverse sine of a number between <code>-1</code> and <code>1</code>. The function contains a single calculation that returns the number of radians representing an <code><angle></code> between <code>-90deg</code> and <code>90deg</code>.
** E.g.: asin(-1) = -1.5708
* '''asinD''' '''⇒''' Inverse sine function working with degrees, Usage: '''<code>asinD(x)</code>'''
** The function accepts both real and complex inputs. For real values of X in the interval [-1, 1], asind(X) returns values in the interval [-90, 90].
** E.g.: asinD(1) = 90
* '''asinh''' '''⇒''' Inverse Hyperbolic sine function, Usage: '''<code>asinh(x)</code>'''
** Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of <code>X</code>. All angles are in radians.
** E.g.: asinh(90) = 5.19299
* '''atan''' '''⇒''' Inverse tangent function working with radians, Usage: '''<code>atan(x)</code>'''
* '''atanD''' '''⇒''' Inverse tangent function working with degrees, Usage: '''<code>atanD(x)</code>'''
* '''atanh''' '''⇒''' Inverse Hyperbolic tangent function, Usage: <code>'''atanh(x)'''</code>
* '''avg''' '''⇒''' Mean value of all arguments, Usage: '''<code>avg(arg 1; arg 2; ... arg n)</code>'''
* '''cos''' '''⇒''' Cosine function working with radians, Usage: '''<code>cos(angle 0 in radians)</code>'''
* '''cosD''' '''⇒''' Cosine function working with degrees, Usage: '''<code>cosD(angle 0 in degrees)</code>'''
* '''cosh''' '''⇒''' Hyperbolic cosine function, Usage: '''<code>cosh(angle 0 in radians)</code>'''
* '''degTorad''' '''⇒''' Converts degrees to radians, Usage: '''<code>degTorad(angle 0 in degrees)</code>'''
* '''exp''' '''⇒''' E raised to the power of x, Usage: '''<code>exp(x) where e = 2.718</code>'''
* '''fmod''' '''⇒''' Returns the floating-point remainder of x/y (rounded towards zero), Usage: '''<code>fmod(x; y)</code>'''
* '''ln''' '''⇒''' Logarithm to base e (2.71828...), Usage: '''<code>ln(x)</code>'''
* '''log''' '''⇒''' Logarithm to base 10, Usage: '''<code>log(x)</code>'''
* '''log10''' '''⇒''' Logarithm to base 10, Usage: <code>'''log10(x)'''</code>
* '''log2''' '''⇒''' Logarithm to base 2, Usage: '''<code>log2(x)</code>'''
* '''max''' '''⇒''' Max of all arguments, Usage: '''<code>max(arg 1; arg 2; ... arg n)</code>'''
* '''min''' '''⇒''' Min of all arguments, Usage: '''<code>min(arg 1; arg 2; ... arg n)</code>'''
* '''radTodeg''' '''⇒''' Converts radians to degrees, Usage: '''<code>radTodeg(angle 0 in radians)</code>'''
* '''rint''' '''⇒''' Round to nearest integer, Usage: '''<code>rint(float x)</code>'''
* '''sign''' '''⇒''' Sign function -1 if x<0; 1 if x>0, Usage: '''<code>sign(x)</code>'''
* '''sin''' '''⇒''' Sine function working with radians, Usage: '''<code>sin(angle 0 in radians)</code>'''
* '''sinD''' '''⇒''' Sine function working with degrees, Usage: '''<code>sinD(angle 0 in degrees)</code>'''
* '''sinh''' '''⇒''' Hyperbolic sine function, Usage: <code>'''sinh(angle 0 in radians)'''</code>
* '''sqrt''' '''⇒''' Square root of a value, Usage: '''<code>sqrt(x)</code>'''
* '''sum''' '''⇒''' Sum of all arguments, Usage: '''<code>sum(arg 1; arg 2; ... arg n)</code>'''
* '''tan''' '''⇒''' Tangent function working with radians, Usage: '''<code>tan(angle 0 in radians)</code>'''
* '''tanD''' '''⇒''' Tangent function working with degrees, Usage: '''<code>tanD(angle 0 in degrees)</code>'''
* '''tanh''' '''⇒''' Hyperbolic tangent function, Usage: '''<code>tanh(angle 0 in radians)</code>'''</div>


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