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Changing valentina to seamly / seamly2D
(Changing valentina to seamly / seamly2D)
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This page describes technical decisions that stand behind ValentinaSeamly2D. It will be useful for those who want to know why and which tools we have been using.
The ValentinaSeamly2D is a standalone project. The reason for such a decision was lack of options. None of projects satisfy our needs: GUI, parametric patterns, support formulas, a pattern format and cross-platform solution. Instead we concentrated on low level blocks.
== Historical background ==
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When you decide to use Qt you also want to decide which language to use too. There are several [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_language_bindings_for_Qt_5 bindings], but was decided to use a native one - C++. C++ language itself has a lot problems and some criticize it a lot. But still it is good language if you need speed and your application is very complex (many CAD systems written on C++). Of course, as was mentioned before, Qt itself is also a big reason why we use C++.
Qt's killer feature for us was [https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/graphicsview.html Graphics View Framework]. This set of classes allow us quick build GUI for manipulating objects. A lot developer teams do own research in this area, but we decided not to reinvent a wheel and concentrate on more important things. Of course this is not all. Qt is a standalone cross-platform framework with very good documentation and a lot examples. It brings almost all classes and abstractions we need to build ValentinaSeamly2D. Almost all because additionally we adopted [http://beltoforion.de/article.php?a=muparser muParser] library for our formula parsing.
In the end it allows us build project that has only one external dependence Qt itself. And this fact make maintaining very easy. Some users appreciate this fact very much.
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