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Draft Mode - Formulas


Below you'll find some examples and tips how you can use the formulas to create your pattern

Important Note:

The formula editor is case sensitiv. So you need to spell the functions right. E.g. acosd (wrong) is not equal acosD (right)

List of buitlt-in functions

  • abs Absolute value, Usage: abs(x)
    • Returns the absolute value of a number. The absolute value of a number is the number without its sign.
    • E.g.: abs(-1) = 1
    • E.g.: abs(1) = 1
  • acos Inverse cosine function working with radians, Usage: acos(x)
    • The arccosine function is the inverse function of the cosine function and calculates the angle for a given cosine. X must be in the [-1..1] range. The result is an angle expressed in radians.
    • E.g.: acos(0.1) = 1.47063
  • acosD Inverse cosine function working with degrees, Usage: acosD(x)
    • For values of X in the interval [-1, 1], acosd(X) returns values in the interval [0, 180]
    • E.g.: acosD(-1) = 180
  • acosh Inverse Hyperbolic cosine function, Usage: acosh(x)
    • Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. The number must be greater than 1.
    • E.g.: acosh(2) = 1.31696
  • asin Inverse sine function working with radians, Usage: asin(x)
    • It returns the inverse sine of a value, given a ratio of a triangle's opposite side over its hypotenuse. The asin()function is a trigonometric function that returns the inverse sine of a number between -1 and 1. The function contains a single calculation that returns the number of radians representing an <angle> between -90deg and 90deg.
    • E.g.: asin(-1) = -1.5708
  • asinD Inverse sine function working with degrees, Usage: asinD(x)
    • The function accepts both real and complex inputs. For real values of X in the interval [-1, 1], asind(X) returns values in the interval [-90, 90].
    • E.g.: asinD(1) = 90
  • asinh Inverse Hyperbolic sine function, Usage: asinh(x)
    • Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of X. All angles are in radians.
    • E.g.: asinh(90) = 5.19299
  • atan Inverse tangent function working with radians, Usage: atan(x)
    • The arctangent is the angle whose tangent is the number. The output is an angle in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2
    • atan(1) = 0.78538
  • atanD Inverse tangent function working with degrees, Usage: atanD(x)
    • The arctangent is the angle whose tangent is the number. The output is an angle in degrees in the interval [-90, 90]
    • atanD(1) = 45
  • atanh Inverse Hyperbolic tangent function, Usage: atanh(x)
    • Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of X. All angles are in radians.
    • atanh(0,99) = 2.64665
  • avg Mean value of all arguments, Usage: avg(arg 1; arg 2; ... arg n)
    • Computes the average for all values
    • avg(2;3;4) = 3
  • cos Cosine function working with radians, Usage: cos(angle 0 in radians)
    • Function The cosine of an angle, α, defined with reference to a right triangle is cos (α) = adjacent side hypotenuse = b h.
    • cos(1) = 0.540302
  • cosD Cosine function working with degrees, Usage: cosD(angle 0 in degrees)
    • Returns the icosine of the elements of X. All angles are in degrees.
    • cosD(180) = -1
  • cosh Hyperbolic cosine function, Usage: cosh(angle 0 in radians)
    • Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of X. All angles are in radians.
    • cosh(0) = 1
  • degTorad Converts degrees to radians, Usage: degTorad(angle 0 in degrees)
    • degTorad converts it's argument deg (an angle in degrees) to radians. (pi radians is 180 degrees)
    • degTorad(180) = 3.14159
  • exp E raised to the power of x, Usage: exp(x) where e = 2.718
    • The exponential function is a mathematical function denoted by f(x) or
    • exp(0) = 1
    • exp(2) = 7.38906
  • fmod Returns the floating-point remainder of x/y (rounded towards zero), Usage: fmod(x; y)
    • Returns the remainder of x divided by y.
    • fmod(3.3;2) = 1.3
  • ln Logarithm to base e (2.71828...), Usage: ln(x)
  • log Logarithm to base 10, Usage: log(x)
  • log10 Logarithm to base 10, Usage: log10(x)
  • log2 Logarithm to base 2, Usage: log2(x)
  • max Max of all arguments, Usage: max(arg 1; arg 2; ... arg n)
    • Returns the max value for all values
    • max(2;3;4) = 4
  • min Min of all arguments, Usage: min(arg 1; arg 2; ... arg n)
    • Returns the min value for all values
    • min(2;3;4) = 2
  • radTodeg Converts radians to degrees, Usage: radTodeg(angle 0 in radians)
    • radTodeg converts it's argument rad (an angle in radians) to degrees. (pi radians is 180 degrees)
    • radTodeg(3.14159) = 180
  • rint Round to nearest integer, Usage: rint(float x)
    • The rint() function rounds the argument to an integral value using the current rounding direction.
    • rint(2.3) = 2
    • If you want to round to one digit multiply the value first by 10 and divide the result by 10 again: rint(2.356*10)/10 = 2.4
  • sign Sign function -1 if x<0; 1 if x>0, Usage: sign(x)
  • sin Sine function working with radians, Usage: sin(angle 0 in radians)
  • sinD Sine function working with degrees, Usage: sinD(angle 0 in degrees)
  • sinh Hyperbolic sine function, Usage: sinh(angle 0 in radians)
  • sqrt Square root of a value, Usage: sqrt(x)
  • sum Sum of all arguments, Usage: sum(arg 1; arg 2; ... arg n)
    • Computes the sum for all values
    • sum(2;3;4) = 9
  • tan Tangent function working with radians, Usage: tan(angle 0 in radians)
  • tanD Tangent function working with degrees, Usage: tanD(angle 0 in degrees)
  • tanh Hyperbolic tangent function, Usage: tanh(angle 0 in radians)