UserManual:Tools:Curves: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Advice.svg|left|50x50px]]'''Important note:'''
The direction of the curves istiss shown by arrowsan arrow on the curved line. This is important when you want to create a new [[UserManual:Tools:Piece|pattern piece]].
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|Click on the first and then second node. You may now drag the handles around to make the curve more pleasing or use directionlength and angle formulas to get a more precise curve
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* First point: Starting point of curve
* Second point: Endpoint of curve
* First point handle - LenghtLength: You can define a fixed lenghtlength or use formulasa formula for adaptive / calculated values
* First point handle - Angle: You can define a fixed angle or use formulas for adaptive / calculated values
* Second point handle - Lenght:Length You can define a fixed lenghtlength or use formulas for adaptive / calculated values
* Second point handle - Angle: You can define a fixed angle or use formulas for adaptive / calculated values
* Attributes: Specify the color, linetype and lineweight of the new node
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* Second point: First control handle node
* Third point: Second control handle node
* Fourth point: EndointEnd point of curve
* Attributes: Specify the color, linetype and lineweight of the new node
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|'''Important note:'''You need to select a group of 3 points after the first 4 point to continue the spline, where the first point of the three will deterine the lenghtlength of the handle.
*Name: Name of the new curve
* Point: Selected point of pathlistpath list
* Path: Selected points
* Attributes: Specify the color, linetype and lineweight of the new node
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*Name: Name of the new node
* Curve: Selected curve
* Length: You can define a fixed lenghtlength or use formulasa formula for adaptive / calculated values
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*Name: Name of the new node
* Curve: Selected spline
* Length: You can define a fixed lenghtlength or use formulasa formula for adaptive / calculated values
