Pattern File Specification

Editors Edit

Former Editors Edit

Abstract Edit

1. Introduction Edit

Uses text-based, XML format because it is widely adopted, platform-independent, and self-describing.

1.1. Background Edit

1.2. Audience Edit

1.3. Scope Edit

1.4. History Edit

1.5. Design Notes Edit

1.7. Structure of this specification Edit

: Edit

: Edit

Variables: Edit

Header: Edit

Variable Value Description
AttrBase "base" "Base size.[?]"
AttrDescription "description" "description"
AttrFullName "full_name" "full_name"
AttrHeightIncrease "height_increase" "height_increase"
AttrName "name" "name"
AttrSizeIncrease "size_increase" "size_increase"
AttrValue "value" "value"
GenderFemale "female" "female"
GenderMale "male" "male"
GenderUnknown "unknown" "unknown"

Body: Edit

Variable Value Description
TagBirthDate "birth-date" "birth-date"
TagBodyMeasurements "body-measurements" "body-measurements"
TagEmail "email" "email"
TagFamilyName "family-name" "family-name"
TagGender "gender" "gender"
TagGivenName "given-name" "given-name"
TagHeight "height" "height"
TagMeasurement "m" "m"
TagNotes "notes" "notes"
TagPMSystem "pm_system" "pm_system"
TagPersonal "personal" "personal"
TagReadOnly "read-only" "read-only"
TagSize "size" "size"
TagVIT "vit" "vit"
TagVST "vst" "vst"

Specification 'Best Practices' citations: Edit