Hacking:Why issue tracker

Why Do We Use an Issue Tracker for Reports? Edit

From time to time, we get questions about why we are using Issue Tracker for tracking bug reports related to Seamly2D. Some users would prefer to send us a simple e-mail describing the problem or to fill in a web form without having to register and create a Issue Tracker account.

here are some reasons why we ask bug reporters to take the time to create a Issue Tracker account:

Most bug reports need additional information from the reporter Edit

In most cases, it is necessary for the developers to ask for additional information. This can be because some general information such as the Seamly2D version number or the operating system was not specified, or because the problem is not easy to reproduce and the developers need a step-by-step description of the process that leads to unexpected results. If the report is a request for enhancements, it is often necessary to discuss some details and to clarify what the reporter wants and how it is best implemented.

Requesting the creation of a Issue Tracker account ensures that all comments added by developers or other contributors will reach the original reporter. This is also useful for informing the reporter about any changes in the status of the bug report, such as when a patch is supplied or when the bug is fixed.

The owner of a Issue Tracker account can switch to a different e-mail address easily and can also configure the types of notifications that are sent via e-mail. Being able to change e-mail addresses is important if some bug reports or proposals for enhancements remain open for a long time.

Several developers can provide feedback and work on the bug report Edit

Although the requests for additional information could also be handled via e-mail, Issue Tracker provides some important features that allow several people to cooperate and to handle bugs in a better way. Anybody can view the status of the bugs or add comments at any time. It is also possible for interested parties to watch a bug report in order to be notified whenever something changes. Allowing more people to participate increases the chances that someone will be able to fix the bug or at least provide a timely response.

In addition, Issue Tracker allows us to keep track of the status of all bug reports and ensure that no bug is forgotten. Although most bugs can be fixed rather quickly, a few remain open for a long time because they depend on other bugs or because nobody has been able to work on them yet. Issue Tracker never forgets them, while it would be easy to forget about some e-mail discussion that took place several weeks earlier, especially if the bug is eventually fixed by someone else than the original developer.

Other features of Issue Tracker Edit

Issue Tracker provides a convenient way to handle duplicate bug reports: when a bug is marked as being a duplicate of another, the reporter can easily see the status of the original bug report and can read all comments attached to it.