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== How To Report Valentina Bugs == <!--T:1-->
If you find a bug or think you find a bug, it is very important to report it. If the developers don’t know it is broken (or might be broken), they can’t fix it. So there you are at your computer trying to do something with Valentina and it freaks out at you. It can be a frightening experience at times.
=== First, Next, Third === <!--T:2-->
First: Get out a piece of paper or open a text file and scribble down everything you can remember about what you were doing when it happened. Also write down the exact wording of any error messages you received.
Next: Go away and yell and scream and do whatever you need to do to relax again. Your next step will be to brave Issue Tracker. It is used to track bug reports and requests for enhancements (see also [[Hacking:Why issue tracker|why we are using issue tracker]]).
Third: Check to see if your bug has been reported yet. Go to the [https://bitbucket.org/dismine/valentina/issues?status=new&status=open Current Bug List] to see if something that looks like your bug has been reported yet. Don’t worry if it has, you can still help. See the section: [[#Enhancing Bug Reports]]. If you can’t find something that sounds like your bug there, you will need to report it.
=== Getting Ready to Report and Reporting a Bug === <!--T:5-->
The goal of the following is to give the developers as much information about what goes wrong as possible. This helps them find out what needs to be fixed.
==== The Steps ==== <!--T:6-->
# Use <code>valentina --version</code> or the about dialog to check your Valentina version. Next check with http://valentinaproject.org/ to see what the most recent Valentina release is. If your Valentina is old, update then try to to reproduce the bug. Your bug may have been fixed in the most recent release. If you are running Valentina from Mercurial, update and recompile it.
# Attempt to reproduce the problem. Go do what you were doing when it happened and see if you can do it again.
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##Use "Attachments" if you have files or screenshots that could help in fixing a bug.
=== Enhancing Bug Reports === <!--T:7-->
If someone has already reported a bug like yours, read the bug report carefully. Read through all the additional comments. Make sure every bit of information you know about the bug is in there. If your version is different or you had a slightly different experience with the bug, add a comment providing your information. Check the status of the bug carefully. If it is marked “WONTFIX”, see if you can provide the information needed. Do not add a “me too” comment unless your comment provides additional information that might be helpful for the developer.
If you have provided a bug report and later get more information (like a more specific error message or fancy stuff like a trace), add a comment to your original bug with that information. It is especially important to add a comment if you somehow resolve your bug. For example, you update something else on your system and the bug no longer appears. In that case, add a comment describing what you updated from what version to what version that resolved the bug.
=== The Wait Patiently Part === <!--T:9-->
Whee!! You survived! If you managed to get through all this and submit your bug report, be happy. Be proud. You will later get e-mails about your bug. It might include a request for more information. If you get something that says your bug is not a bug, do not be discouraged from reporting in the future. Next time it might be. Submitting careful bug reports and providing additional information where possible helps make Valentina better. The day will come where you submit a bug and later get an e-mail that says your bug is “FIXED” or “RESOLVED”. Then you will know that some developer out there found your bug, reproduced it, and fixed it.